3 Weather Warning Types and How They Affect Your Roof

Depending on the seasonal changes of where you live, you may be exposed to some unexpected weather conditions throughout the year.

While storms and heavy rain can get in the way of daily life, they can also affect the integrity of your roof. In this post, we’ll look at three types of weather warning – wind, rain and ice – and how they impact roofs.

How does wind affect your roof?

British roofs can usally withstand wind speed of up to 70mph. However, you may not get the same level of durability from older roofs that have steadily declined in quality over time.

Cracked tiles, broken materials and general wear and tear of materials will weaken your roof. Without expert repairs and maintenance in place, strong winds can easily rip and tear at your roof, causing further damage.

Roofs exposed to high winds often begin to take damage from the edges rather than the central points. Wind can enter under unsecured materials and lift or loosen tiles and nails with force.

The looser your tiles, the easier it is for wind to enter underneath your tiles and cause more damage. If your roof is not repaired and strong winds are followed by heavy rain, it may cause leaks and water damage to your timbers and joints.

What about heavy rain?

The UK has adapted well to rainy weather – we’ve had enough practice, after all. However, even the toughest of roofs can succumb to water damage if they have not been properly cared for.

Rainwater can accumulate flat roofs and cause damage if it sits for too long. In order to prevent puddles on your roof, you should make sure that the water can be sufficiently drained away.

Clogging or overflow that occurs in your gutters can have a knock-on effect on your foundations. That’s why you should clean away unwanted materials such as stones, leaves, sticks and mud that make their way into your gutters during heavy storms.

Of course, heavy rain can also expose existing areas of damage on your roof. Even the smallest crack or gap will allow water through, which will only get worse if left ignored.

Don’t forget ice!

Another weather warning in the UK is for ice. While we don’t see temperatures as low as many other countries, any drop below zero causes water to freeze, which can lead to freeze-thaw action on your roof.

Simply put, this is the process of water freezing and expanding, before thawing and contracting. If water gets into tiny cracks and freezes, it will make them bigger and bigger over time.

A weather warning for your roof

Whether it’s rain, wind or ice, weather warnings are invaluable as they allow you to be proactive and avoid the worst conditions. At DPR Roofing, we think Barnsley property owners should take the same proactive approach when it comes to roofing.

Having your roof inspected and repaired before and after bad weather is the best way to keep it in a good condition. This will keep you prepared for future weather warnings, and give you much-needed peace of mind when bad weather hits.

Want to find out more or arrange an inspection? Call us on 01226 670 008 or email [email protected].

3 Weather Warning Types and How They Affect Your Roof